The number of civil society organizations joining the coalition against short-lived
climate pollutants is increasing. The organizations are driven by the desire to
mitigate emissions of short-lived climate pollutants in bid to protect human
health and the environment now, and slow the rate of climate change expected by
To join the coalition lately are
the Clean Air Task Force, ClimateWorks Foundation, the Institute for Governance
and Sustainable Development (IGSD), the International Council on Clean
Transportation and the International Cryosphere Climate Initiative are the latest
partners admitted to the Climate
and Clean Air Coalition to Reduce Short-Lived Climate Pollutants (CCAC).
It brings
to 27 the number of partners who have joined the voluntary partnership since
its launch in February 2012.
The addition of these
five respected non-government organization (NGO) partners is seen as a
significant step in broadening the membership, reach and voice of the Coalition,which
aims to catalyze major reductions in black carbon (or soot), methane and some
hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) – or “short-lived climate pollutants” – from sectors
such as brick production, the diesel transport sector, municipal solid waste
and oil and natural gas production.
Compelling scientific
evidence indicates that fast action to reduce these pollutants, especially
methane and black carbon, has the potential to slow down the warming expected by
2050 by as much as 0.5°C, as well as prevent over two million premature deaths
each year and avoid annual crop losses of over 30 million tonnes.
IGSD has also been selected as the first non-government representative on the
newly formed CCAC Steering Committee.
ground-breaking Coalition has the potential to catalyze fast action to help the
people who need it the most, and IGSD is honoured to represent the NGO partners
in this endeavour,” a Senior Advisor to the IGSD and former Secretary for
Environment and Sustainable Development for Argentina, RominaPicolotti, said.
these climate pollutants not only harmonizes development and climate concerns
but it’s also critical for protecting the world’s most vulnerable regions and
people, particularly women and children, from the worst impacts of climate
change,” MsPicolotti said.
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